

We offer personalized dental assistance, solving any type of dental problem or periodontal disease that may affect your oral health.

Orthodontics is a specialty of dentistry that studies, prevents and corrects the alterations of development, the forms of dental arches and the position of the jaws, with the aim of restoring balance, improving functionality and facial aesthetics.
The health of the gums is as important as that of the teeth. Poor care of the gums can lead to pathologies such as gingivitis or periodontitis.
Gingivitis is the inflammation of the gums due to the accumulation of tartar between the tooth and the gum, causing inflammation and bleeding. If it becomes periodontitis it can damage the bone, cause infections and promote tooth loss.
Preventive dentistry is responsible for preventing the evolution of diseases that may affect your oral health.
We will determine a treatment plan to follow and a periodic follow-up that will allow us to control any type of condition.
Oral surgery is performed to solve certain problems of the oral cavity such as:
- Removal of dental pieces included - Root remains included
- Labial frenulum plasty - Removal of cysts or tumors
The dental implant is a medical device designed to replace the missing root and keep the artificial tooth in place. It is manufactured with biocompatible materials that do not produce a rejection reaction and allow its union with bone.
Restorative dentistry consists of the process of replacing missing or damaged teeth.
Crowns and bridges are some of the usual restoration options.
Pediatric dentistry is a specialty responsible for treating children. The main difference of the usual dentistry is the presence of temporary or milk teeth in children, which makes a specific treatment necessary for them.
The smile is one of the most important facial expressions, so we design your smile so you never stop smiling. Most treatments are simple and painless.
We have a specialized team to perform oral radiographs in order to reach a more thorough diagnosis.
Dental emergencies can be very painful so do not hesitate to go through our consultation and be treated as soon as possible.

Frequent questions

Do you have any questions? We are here to help you.
  • Afraid of the dentist?

    We are aware of the possible fear that you have when going to a dental clinic. Therefore we strive to create a relaxed atmosphere and make any kind of fear disappear. Achieving in this way to avoid future fears.

  • Does tooth whitening harm my teeth?

    No. There are myths that claim to be harmful to the teeth. As long as it is done under the strict control of a specialist, teeth whitening does not cause damage.

  • How often do I have to do a mouth cleaning?

    In general, most of our patients come once a year to their maintenance visit. It is recommended to go every 6 months to perform a review and thus achieve greater control of hygiene.

  • What is an endodontics?

    It is a treatment that is performed as a last solution before performing the extraction of the tooth.

  • Do extractions hurt?

    No. To do this, local anesthesia is placed for the patient, which makes the extraction without pain.

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